Dear Community,
A couple of years ago we as a community went through a very involved process to determine what was ours to do. We set our mission, Love In Action: Transforming Lives -> Transforming Communities as the answer to that question. We deeply committed ourselves to realizing our Oneness with Spirit and allowing that impulse of Love to move us to right action.
This year we have been asking ourselves again and again, “What is ours to do in the midst of a global pandemic, in the face of so much injustice, and inequity…and how do we do it in a virtual setting?” And so we pivoted, and pivoted, and pivoted some more.
We realized our message, tools, and practices were needed more than ever. And, to meet this need, we created a daily call and text offering called Spirit Calling. We knew that connection and relationships were more important than ever, so we made our small groups, SpiritGroups, available virtually to participants across the country. We are seeing that the impact of the pandemic and more have only increased poverty and economic hardships in our communities, so we expanded our cash assistance program and have given thousands to folks who needed it. We also know the need will grow, so we have made it ours to do through circling up around each other to alleviate poverty through our Circles USA partnership.
Read more about what's happened in 2020 & where we're headed in a special message from Rev. Amani Malaika
We have served hundreds and reached thousands across the globe in 2020; and, still there is much to do. Thank you for making it possible. Our Center is not funded by our parent organization- Centers for Spiritual Living, or by any denomination or foundation. We are supported by the donations that come from you.
Please consider becoming a sustaining member of ABQ CSL by setting up a recurring gift. Your contributions allow us to keep the offerings of Spirit Calling, SpiritGroups, weekly services, and inspiring content free and accessible for all who are yearning for spiritual living and loving transformation.
Regular recurring donations help to create the stability we need to meet our mission in a greater way, including more folks than ever for years to come.
In appreciation for your contribution of any size we will email you a special gift, an exclusive set of high quality images containing inspirational quotes set against colorful artwork. The content on these digital quote cards was made by a select team of ABQ CSL volunteers and practitioners. These quote cards are intended only for givers like you. An example is included above. They make beautiful home screens on any device and are very lovely to share with friends and family and social media.
We are so grateful for your partnership and thank you for any support you can offer as we grow and expand our vision of One In Spirit, Living With Purpose, Transforming The World.
In Love and Transformation together,
-The ABQ CSL Prosperous Life Team
P.S. To make a one-time gift, you can give electronically at this secure link or by sending a check to ABQ CSL, 2801 Louisiana NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110. Email if you are considering making a legacy or estate gift.