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I Am? I AM!

Guest Post with Jan Nolan, LSP

I AM. I am Being, and I am Becoming more of my true self as part of the Divine energy that manifested me. In knowing that I am a conscious part of the Divine Spirit that is all of Life, I am able to live in the truth of who I am, the whole, loving, beautiful truth that allows me to be my best self, my perfect, aware self.

And yet, am I really Becoming? Or am I presently, and always, in a state of Being? Being aware of Being is a process, and result, of a conscious mind. When living with a conscious mind, we are awake to our connections to the Divine, and to the beauty of who we are. We can then choose, with intention, a life that is peaceful and joyful, loving and kind. When we are awake, we are conscious of our inward, spiritual life that takes precedence over all else. “To live spiritually begins with consciously Being and Becoming”, as Rev. Amani said in a recent talk. And to Be means to be fully awake to my Divinity.

I am being and becoming all the time, and it is Good!

-Rev. Amani

Most of my life, I knew that there was something more meaningful than what appeared in my daily reality. From my teen years and on, I connected with Nature in a way that showed me the magnificence of the unexplained. I viewed my quiet, solitary time with the Sun, with the ocean, as my time with God, with the Divine Spirit. I followed the Moon’s light in my darkest times of travel. I read, I studied the philosophical, the psychological, and the spiritual, all in an attempt to get answers to my questions. What was this life of mine really about? Why was I here?

Many paths later, many books and talks and discussions later, I found a way to pray that made sense. I found a way to “practice” what I believed, what I had learned and gained throughout my nearly seven decades of this Life. Amazingly, it has taken this long road of life experience to find me content, accepting of self and therefore, others. I find myself to be more kind and loving, and more steady in my state of Being.

Of course, nothing puts this steady state of Being to the test more than being part of a family reunion of siblings, their partners/spouses, children, and their partners! So many personalities, and ways of looking at things. Amidst the loud and talkative partying, I held my center. I stayed grounded in my Being, as I observed others, and myself, in various interactions. Some were fun, some were meaningful, and some were downright uncomfortable. And yet, I found that these years of affirmative prayer and practice, kept me in my holiness/wholeness. I remained calm and kind, and genuine in my expressions of gratitude and love. 

Were there feelings to process, to assimilate, and then to let go of? Absolutely! Was I engaged in activities and places that were out of my comfort zone? Definitely. And yet, to Be a presence of love within a family dynamic, albeit dysfunctional, was a challenge I was ready to take on. AND, I knew when to say no, and take a day, or evening off from the group activity.

I continue to live in the presence, and present, as I am rooted in the Now. Being with my family of origin brings up many feelings from the past, because that IS the origin of family. And the future? I can only Be here and now. And so I choose to rise! To be my holy, sacred self amidst the discomfort and chaos, whether it be within the family, or within the culture in which I live.

I affirm goodness, wholeness and Love as I continue to walk in Light, and know that I’m Becoming ever more present and whole in my state of Being. 

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