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One in the Presence

Heaven is an encounter, a profound experience where we come face to face with something quite out of the ordinary. It is wonderfully unexplainable other than that, it leaves an indelible mark upon us, makes us think something is or has transpired in our lives. We feel deeply seen and touched, knowing that unlike anything we have known before, we have had a divine encounter. It may be in the majesty of a full moon or an outpour of rain or a physical healing. It is an experience we begin to live from, it begins to transform us. We live more deeply, love more deeply, communicate more deeply, join together, we begin to share this precious life together. Heaven is in the acknowledging that the face of God is indeed who we are, as we have witnessed being touched by the Divine. We become heaven, the sanctuary of life, the manifestation of a greater reality. We acknowledge that we are the beauty of nature as it unfolds as the face of God. We are one with the greatness of life without separation.

Heaven is the color of turquoise, the deepest color of our love, purple grass and a tethered orange moon; it is the desire of our heart, the moment of our first breath, our desire to live. Heaven is the train’s whistle as it rumbles through our long dreams in the evening rain and awakens us in the morning light. Heaven is the balm placed over our eyes that creates our beautiful dreams.

After a long sleep, we experience the morning light of heaven, in the rain filled sky a morning chill. The clouds dip low onto the surface of the desert floor; we are absorbed by them. We are the morning light. We are the one in the presence of the Divine.

When we close our eyes heaven is forever.

Dino de Leyba, LSP

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