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Triumph in 2022!

A Vision To Behold

Vision Statement:

One in Spirit, living with purpose, transforming the world.

“The old year passes into the new and heralds in the possibility of triumph, the triumph of the Spirit in us. But it cannot be done by the dictate of some external authority, it can only occur in our own consciousness when faith shall triumph over fear and love over hate and compassion over unkindness. Then at last we shall sing, unto God be the glory.” - Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind

The Center’s vision statement (above) is a demonstration of what Ernest calls the triumph of the Spirit in us. When you and I consciously align ourselves with the Spirit in us we become One in Spirit, which allows us to live with purpose and in turn transform the world through our spiritual living. When we do this we triumph. When we do the labor of first aligning our self with Spirit all the change and transformation we long for becomes possible and inevitable.

BUT! ANY outer change must first start with inner change.

So take a moment, (now would be good), to envision yourself in relationship to this vision.

One in Spirit, living with purpose, transforming the world.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and begin to see yourself, feel yourself, know yourself as being One in Spirit, living with purpose, transforming the world.

For this beautiful vision to come into being we must first locate ourselves in it. We must first get conscious of our own place within The One. As we become aware of our place in The One we will without a doubt be transformed. As we consciously embody this truth it will transform what we believe about ourselves, what we believe is possible for our lives, and it will begin to transform how we live our lives. Transformation is an inside job.

This growing conscious awareness of being One in Spirit is what gives us access to living with purpose, to living life to the fullest.

“How much life can any person experience? As much as they can embody… We are so constituted that we can continuously increase our embodiment. We grow in grace as it were.” -Ernest Holmes

The more aware we are, the more we are able to embody. The more we embody, the more we are transformed. The more we are each transformed, the more the world is transformed. This is how we each bring this vision into being.

The truth is we've already begun.

Join me and The Center team live this Sunday for a guided process that will help you to envision yourself triumphant in Spirit this year. You can get a head start & download the My Vision for 2022 worksheet below. And please post your aha’s, insights, struggles, and whatevahs in the comment section.

Cheers to conscious growth, embodiment, and transformation in 2022!

I love you so much, Rev. Amani

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Amani Malaika
Amani Malaika
Jan 09, 2022

Let us know in the comments what is rising in consciousness for you as you do the vision exercise!

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